Rategenie Updates Q4 [2020]

  • STAFF Moderator

    Q4 Updates

    Issue Fix
    Allow User to get a rate estimate from the RG rates table. New Feature: We have added a new functionality in Rategenie called Cost Estimator. Using this feature, users can estimate the rate for potential bookings without using Tokeet or Sympl.
    Users should be able to view how Rate Estimator works. On Rate Estimator Modal, we have added video to include a brief introduction about our new Feature. The video along with the link to help guide is also available on the Welcome page.
    Allow users to create currency conversions for different channels. New Feature: We have added a new Rule named as 'Currency Adjustment Rule' in Rategenie Strategies rule list. Using this rule, users can use different currencies for different channels. Users can also see the forex conversion table that's updated regularly to perform the conversion, prior to adding a new currency for a specific channel.
    Users should be able to view how this new Rule works. On the 'Add New Rule' modal on strategies page, we have added a brief introductory video to make User understand how this new rule works. The video along with the link to help guide is also available on the Welcome page.
    Distortion in Market Data graph removed. The Numbers around the graph were not displayed properly when there wasn't any data for the graph. This issue is fixed and the graph is correctly visible.
    Message in Settings tab for Rate overlay updated. Message related to Additional Guest Fee is updated in the Settings tab to show correct application of Additional guest fee.
    Custom Feed Strategy was getting saved even if invalid CSV was uploaded. If a strategy was saved after adding a CSV file with invalid data in all rows, an error message was displayed but strategy was also created. This is updated now and strategy will not be created if invalid CSV file is added by the user.
    Error should be shown for CSV entry with wrong date format. It's fixed now and validation error is shown.
    Data within quotes in Custom Feed File was not saved. It's fixed now and data within quotes is saved.
    Duplicate Default Strategies should not exist. In a few specific cases, User was able to set multiple strategies as default. This issue is fixed now and more than one strategies cannot be set as default now.