In the Daily Occupancy section under Bookings, you'll see your daily booking count for the current month by default.
The Filters button allows you to filter information based on the month, year, rentals and sources.

The Daily Occupancy chart shows each day for the month with the booking occupancy % for that day.

The Daily Occupancy Summary gives you details of your bookings for each day in the month such as arrivals, arrival guests, departures, departing guests, bookings and occupancy %.

Arrivals: No. of booking(s) that are arriving on that day
Arriving Guests: No. of guests that are arriving on that day
Departures: No. of booking(s) that are departing on that day
Departing Guests: No. of guests that are departing on that day
Occupancy: Occupancy % for respective month [i.e. bookedNightsInaDay / (daysInMonths * RentalsCount) * 100]
You can also use the available icons to print and download the data as a CSV or Excel file.