Tokeet has added an industry-leading set of features which allow you to easily observe both occupancy & rates on the same calendar screens.
We have also added visualization which allows you to identify high rate periods--both on a monthly and yearly basis, as well as the ability to drag and paste new rates straight onto your calendar.

First, navigate to Rentals and select "Rental Rates"
Clicking on “Rental Rates” loads up a multi calendar displaying rates across all your Rentals. Mousing over any date & rental combination shows Rental Detail info. These are the expanded rates--so your Dynamic Rates are fully expanded and you get to see what is sent to the channels.

Drill into a particular rental to access its rental settings. These screens are similar to the current Rates & Payments screen, with a few additions.

List view shows a classic vertical list of all rentals.
Calendar view shows the new rates calendar
Click on month or year to filter for rates in particular month or year
Click on Calendar to view the rates calendar view.

Red dots signify confirmed bookings for those dates.
The calendar is color coded to show variance in rates across the selected month, or over the course of the year (Rate Heatmap at bottom of the screen)

You can create new rates right on the calendar by clicking and dragging on any areas.

Not only will this allow you to create new rates, but it will also automatically edit the date range of previous rates, if any exist for this date range.