Using the integration with Tokeet, you can update daily rates and minimum stays for your rentals in Tokeet based on PriceLabs data, along with weekly and monthly discounts, and extra guest fees for your listings. Please note that pricing calendars for Tokeet listings are only available for one year and can not be extended.
Connect PriceLabs to Tokeet
In order to connect your PriceLabs to your Tokeet account, log in to your PriceLabs account, click on the "Add your listings" button on your PriceLabs dashboard, select 'Tokeet' from the drop down menu
Click on "Connect with Tokeet". You will then be redirected to Tokeet website for authorization. Login to your Tokeet account if you are not logged in already
You will be asked to authorize PriceLabs. Please select 'Continue'
You should now see your Tokeet listings on your PriceLabs dashboard!
If you head back to Tokeet, you'll see PriceLabs daily rates for the next 365 days on the rates table for your listings. If your Tokeet rental had existing rates, these will be erased and replaced with rates from PriceLabs. You will see them as rate category "default", with PriceLabs in the rate name:

To have your rates appear on your Tokeet calendar, you will need to manually refresh your rates.
Refreshing rates on your Tokeet calendar
If you do not see your PriceLabs rates on your Tokeet calendar, you can do a manual rate refresh by going to the base rate settings for a rental and clicking Save. Then go to the rates table and click on one of your PriceLabs rates, click save there also. Refresh your browser page to see the updates. Auto Sync on your Tokeet calendar Tokeet has an Auto Sync toggle for sending their prices automatically to the platforms of the listings.

Limitations and Notes from Tokeet:
If your Tokeet rental had existing rates, these will be erased and replaced with rates from PriceLabs
PriceLabs integration is now compatible with Tokeet Websites. Your Tokeet Website will display PriceLabs rates for rentals utilizing PriceLabs.
You are still responsible for pushing rates to the API Channels; this process will not happen automatically. Please see this Help Center article for more info on pushing rates.
For detailed instructions on using PriceLabs, please see the Getting Started with PriceLabs guide.