What Are Tags?
Tags are descriptive words that you can use to add to a guest, rental or inquiry to help to quickly identify or group these items using filters in Tokeet.
Where Can I Add Tags?
You can add tags in Tokeet in the following modules:
How Do I Add Tags?
Adding Tags for Rentals:
To add a tag to your rental, navigate to the Rentals section in the top bar then click on the rental from the list. Click on the Setup button then “Manage Tags”.

Adding Tags for Guests:
To add a tag to your guest, navigate to the Guests section in the left bar then click on the guest from the list. Click on the Action button then “Manage Tags”.

Adding Tags for Inquiries:
To add a tag to your inquiry, navigate to the Inquiries section in the left bar then click on the inquiry from the list. Click on the Action button then “Add Tags”.

Once the pop up box is displayed, you can then click on the dropdown box to apply an existing tag to that item or type a new custom value and press enter to create a new tag.