Booking Revenue Reporting

In Tokeet, you can easily view your booking revenue reporting in the "Reports" section of  Tokeet.  Select "Booking Revenue" to view metrics.


At the top of the screen, you can perform the following actions:

  • Select different views
  • Select different currencies.  The report will display booking revenue for each currency in which you have reservations.
  • Select Year
  • Select Rental(s)
  • Select Channel(s)

Important Notes

  • Booking revenue is attributed to the month of the checkin, vs month the booking was received
  • Alternatively, you may export every single booking, with checkin / checkout dates, guest name, rental name, and other datapoints by using an Inquiry Data Feed, at Settings > Data Feeds.  For more info, please see here.
  • There are differences in how each API channel (Airbnb,, Expedia) passes booking revenue to Tokeet.  You can navigate to Inquiries and click on a booking to see the booking totals.  Please see below for a description of how each channel passes booking revenue to Tokeet.

For each booking received from Airbnb, you can see a detailed breakdown of how the booking revenue was recognized.

  • Navigate to Inquiries and click on an Airbnb confirmed booking
  • Click on "Breakdown" icon under the "Booking Charges" section
  • View the Airbnb Charge Breakdown
  • The "Payout" amount is recognized as Airbnb booking revenue in Tokeet
  • Payout is defined as:

Airbnb booking revenue (Payout) = Base Charge + Extras + Taxes - Airbnb Service Fee booking revenue = Nightly Rate x Nights

Note:  Extras, Taxes, Service Fees are not factored into the calculation

Expedia booking revenue = Nightly Rate x Nights + Taxes

Note:  Extras, Service Fees are not factored into the calculation

As always, please contact us with questions any time.  We're happy to help.

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