Revenue and Utilization Reporting in Margins

The Tokeet reporting Add-On Margins provides you with an easy to use interface that gives you a birds-eye view of the historical and current state of your business. While navigating through the available reports you will come across numerous values that may require further clarification. This article will cover the methods used for calculating these values so that the origin of these numbers is clear.

Booking Revenue Reporting

The first set of values we will cover are found by navigating to Booking Revenue in the Reporting sub-menu.

After applying your desired Rental and Channel filters you will see these calculations below the graph at the top of the booking revenue reporting screen.

Revenue MTD

Revenue Month to Date is calculated as the total of all bookings with arrival dates that start on or after the 1st of the current month.

Revenue YTD

Revenue Year to Date is calculated as the total of all bookings that arrive on or after the first of the calendar year (January 1st).

Revenue MOM

Revenue Month over Month calculates the difference between the previous month's revenue and the current month's revenue and translates this into a percentage. This is calculated in the following way.

Current Month's Revenue - Previous Month's Revenue / Previous Month's Revenue

Here is an example of this with real numbers. In the month of September booking revenue was 1200 USD. By October 20th my booking revenue is 1600 USD. 1600 - 1200 = 400 USD difference. 400 / 1200 = .33 or 33%

Revenue Per Booking

Revenue/Booking calculates the average revenue per booking. This calculation is made by taking the YTD revenue and dividing by the number of bookings.

Revenue Per Night

Revenue/Night calculates the average revenue per night. This calculation is made by taking the YTD revenue and dividing by the number of nights booked.

Utilization Reporting

Next we will review the values presented on the Utilization Report. To view this report navigate to Utilization in the Reporting sub-menu.

After applying your desired Rental and Channel filters you will see these calculations below the graph at the top of the utilization reporting screen.

Year Utilization

Year Utilization is calculated by taking the number of nights booked this year and dividing by the number of days elapsed in the current year. An example of this would be that 250 nights were booked by Dec 31st. The year utilization would be 250/364 = 68.49%

Current Month Utilization

Current month utilization is calculated by taking the number of nights booked for the current month and dividing by the number of nights in the current month. An example of this would be that I have booked 11 nights in October and October has 31 days in the month. 11/31 = 35.48%

YTD Missed Revenue

Year to Date Missed Revenue is calculated in the following way. First, the expected revenue for the year is calculated in the following way. Your base rate times 365 days is used as your expected revenue for the year. Each day not booked throughout the year is counted and the total of days not booked is multiplied by your base rate. The difference between the revenue missed and the expected revenue for the year is your YTD Missed Revenue.

This value is the easiest to misunderstand. Tokeet is not able to calculate your missed revenue based on the actual rates set in your rates table or in Rate Genie. The quantity of data and the potential for that data to change automatically makes this impossible without severely impacting the loading times on your reports. This is why your base rate is used to calculate Expected and Missed Revenue in the Utilization reporting. If you are concerned that these numbers are not close to your expectations, consider making an adjustment to your base rate so that the expected revenue is closer to what you believe is true.

Current Month Missed Revenue

As explained in the above description of YTD Missed revenue, current month revenue is based on an expected revenue for the month which is calculated by multiplying your base rate times the number of days in the month. Then divide your actual revenue so far this month by the expected revenue.

Example: My base rate is 55 USD and we are in the month of June (30 days). My expected revenue for June is 55 * 30 = 1650 USD. I have 450.00 in confirmed and paid reservations in June. 1650 - 450 = 1200 USD Current Month Missed Revenue.

Gained Revenue YTD

Gained Revenue YTD takes your YTD revenue and divides by the expected yearly revenue which is calculated from your base rate (Example: Base rate of 60 X 365 = expected revenue of 21,900).

Using the example above, if you have made 8,565 up till this point in the year. 8565 / 21900 = 39.11%. This means that you have made 39.11% of your expected revenue to this point in the year.

Hopefully, with this explanation you'll be able to understand exactly where these numbers are coming from. If you would like to take it a step further and actually compare the numbers you see in your reports with the actual bookings or invoices in your Tokeet account, please take a look at the following article: Tokeet Data Feeds Tokeet data feeds allow you to pull the information from your inquiries into .CSV files which can then be compared to the numbers shown in Margins.

If you have any further questions please search our help center or email us at and we’ll be more than happy to assist.

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