Connecting iCal Channels

In order for iCal connections to work with two-way synchronization, you will want to both import a calendar into Tokeet and export a Tokeet calendar into your connected channel.

To Export an iCal URL from Tokeet:

  • Navigate to Channels > Add Channel
  • Select Flipkey, Homeway or another iCal channel. If the channel is not available in the list, select "Unknown"
  • Click Select
  • In the Exported Calendars section, click the green "Add" button
  • Select a Rental from which you are exporting the calendar
  • Click Export
  • In the popup, select and copy the URL
  • Click Done
  • Navigate to the channel's calendar import section, paste the exported Tokeet URL and save.

To Import an iCal URL into Tokeet:

  • In the channel's calender section, create an export URL and copy the iCal URL to import it into Tokeet
  • In Tokeet, navigate to Channels > Add Channel
  • In the Imported Calendars section, click the green "Add" button
  • Give your calendar a name, select the associated Rental and paste the iCal calendar URL
  • Click "Import"

To troubleshoot a Stale iCal connection:

(Stale means there is data in Tokeet that was not imported by the iCal channel)

  • In Channels, Click on the Stale connection
  • Copy the URL field (all of it)
  • In your connected ical channel e.g. Homeaway, delete the Tokeet connection
  • In your connected ical channel e.g. Homeaway, re-import the Tokeet connection

As always, please contact us with questions any time.  We're happy to help.

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