Securing your Custom Domains

HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is a security protocol that helps to keep your site secure and displays the url (https:// ) . This is done by the issuance of a SSL certificate.

If you have a custom domain for your Tokeet website, you can now easily request a SSL certificate.

Before requesting SSL for your Custom Domain, please be sure that your DNS Settings have been configured as shown below:

Configuring DNS to point your domain to Tokeet

Now you must configure the DNS settings of your domain to point to Tokeet.

  1. Login to your domain registrar's website and locate the DNS (Domain Name System) settings for your domain.
  2. Create a new CNAME record pointing to
  3. Create or update your A record to point to  Note, Tokeet will redirect any request to
  1. If you're using a subdomain you only need to create a CNAME pointing to . You can skip the A record configuration.

This is an example of proper CNAME and A Record configuration

Note:  Wait about an hour for your DNS settings to activate. If your custom domain still isn't taking you to your website, wait another day or two to make sure all the DNS servers have been updated. If it still isn't working, contact your registrar to make sure you entered the DNS settings correctly.

Requesting your Custom Domain SSL for New and Expired Certificates

You can simply click on Adds Ons in the top navigation bar:

Next, click on Websites:

Locate the Tokeet website, click on the SSL icon and then use the Request SSL Certificate option and the SSL Certificate will be issued through Tokeet.

There is also a “Custom SSL Certificate” option if you will like to use a different SSL provider.

Important: To successfully add the SSL Certificate to your custom domain, you must follow the instructions on configuring DNS to point your domain to Tokeet detailed above.
Note: It may take up to 2 hours for your SSL certificate to become active. Be sure that your DNS settings have first been updated to point to the IP address above.

Once the certificate is active, you will see the options to View Certificate and Turn Off SSL.

As always, we're here to help. Please feel free to email with any questions.

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