We are happy to announce our integration with Check-in Scan.

What is Check-in Scan?

Check-in Scan is an award-winning app that send the guest ID registration automatically to the police and get the signed “Registry Form” in an easy, fast and secure way to comply with the legal requirements.


What does Check-in Scan offer?

  • Scan guest ID’s and collect their signature from your device (smartphone, tablet or pc via web)
  • Guest Self Check-in
  • Guest registry book available 24/7 in the cloud
  • Instantly sends to the authorities in Spain & Portugal
  • Export your guest’s data for the tax office
  • Unlimited guests and check-ins


Why people choose Check-in Scan?

  • Technical support via Phone, email and chat
  • Fulfil your legal requirements and avoid fines
  • Unlimited users that can access the app
  • Excellent customer support.
  • Fast, accurate, next generation document scanner (native app & web)
  • System security.
  • We guarantee the delivery of the data to the authorities.
  • Intuitive easy to use app.

How do I integrate with Check-in Scan?

To connect your Tokeet account to Check-in Scan, simply follow the steps in this set up guide

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