There’s a lot of info out there covering vacation rental management, so it can often be hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. For those just entering the business, working with poor advice or inflated expectations is a precursor to failure. We here at Tokeet have a vested interest in your success – so we know just what you need to get there!

We’ve compiled a list of helpful materials to get you off on the right foot. Below, you’ll find a list of tools, guides, communities, and VRM resources suitable for first-timers. There’s plenty to be learned here as a novice too, so don’t click away just yet.

It’s easy to get swept up in all the VRM fervor – the prospect of easy money has universal appeal. Unfortunately, this has led many people to enter the business with some unrealistic expectations.

While it is true that vacation rental management can be a lucrative venture, there’s nothing easy about it. Sure, the work is more hands-on and doesn’t require a résumé – but it is work nonetheless.

Here’s a few things to remember that’ll help keep you grounded:

  1. Vacation rental management is not a get-rich-quick scheme.
  2. There is risk involved.
  3. It’s highly competitive.
  4. Not everyone succeeds.

If that doesn’t deter you, then congratulations – you’re an entrepreneur. If you keep these things in mind, your approach will be a calculated one and your expectations will be realistic. In other words, you’re more likely to succeed.

Tools of the Trade

Comprehensive VRM Guides

Communities & Resources

VRM Resource Sites

General VRM Communities



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